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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Gibbard....Yes You!

Righty people its official, this is the new insult, the insult of the future, in generations to come, Gibbard will be the expletive being hurtled across playgrounds world wide, the most common word these days seems to be "gay", "turd" or just "poo", but these shall be kicked into touch by the gibbard! Gibbard should not be confused with the word "gibbon", which is a tree dwelling monkey. I'm sure Gibbons are actually nice creatures, in fact I shall find a video of one for you! A gibbard on the other hand is a different kettle of fish, the closest comparison I can think of is somebody who is a gimp. So yes children/adults/other if somebody annoys you, you now know what word to use. Trust me, this will be big, it is the future, use it, and be the trend setter!

Karate Chimp Amazing!!!!! - video powered by Metacafe

Okay, so its not actually a gibbon as such, but its a close relative, and is blatantly cool! So yes leave gibbons in peace, but shout at gibbards!
Now you're confused, my task is done!

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