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Friday, August 25, 2006

Exciting News People....or not!

Im not posting you a video today, simply out of protest, today I have spent a large portion of the day, filming and taking pictures for a short video that is in the pipeline, as a result, looking at video footage is now the last thing what I want to do. Oh the exciting news that I was about to reveal to you, as mentioned in the title, is the fact that I'm making a short movie..... I knew you'd be impressed....or not as is more likely the case!
Anyway, if your lucky, I'll try and find something really special for tommorrow! If your bored and you need to keep yourself entertained, have a browse through the videos I've already posted, in particularly, the one where the snake reguritates the hippo, you can watch that one over and over again and never grow bored! Or you can leave a comment, sarky, happy or friendly, its all good!
Hope you all have good days/nights!

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